chikipi pal

Palworld Worst Pals: 5 Least Favorable Companions in the Game

In Palworld, a captivating open-world survival game, players are drawn to its engaging blend of gameplay styles. Hours can be spent building bases, collecting resources, and taming a wide array of creatures known as Pals. With the added excitement of cooperative play, friends can join in on the immersive adventure.

The game boasts a diverse lineup of Pals, each possessing unique traits and abilities that cater to different playstyles. However, not all Pals are created equal, sparking debate among players regarding which ones serve as valuable allies in combat and resource management, and which ones may be more of a hindrance than an asset. Being well-prepared and discerning in the selection of Pals is crucial for success and enjoyment in the expansive world of Palworld.

5. Depresso


The Gloom Companion

  • Common Rarity, Level 1
  • Medium-sized, dark-type Pal, excels against normal types

Although some players might argue if Depresso is the most loved Pal in the game, it’s undeniable that its unique appearance and characteristics make it endearing to others. Resembling a gloomy cloud, Depresso’s prominent feature is its perpetual state of sadness. With a noticeable slouch and a perpetually downturned mouth, it reflects a pessimistic attitude. While some players find this aspect charming, others see it as a mood dampener.

Relatable Pals

In Palworld, certain Pals, including Depresso, have lethal potential. Nonetheless, Depresso isn’t the most potent Pal in terms of combat, nor is it particularly efficient when assigned to base duties. However, its distinct charm appeals to players who still choose to keep it as an adventure companion. Ultimately, whether to acquire Depresso depends on the player’s playstyle and personality preferences.

For players focused on power and efficiency, Depresso might not be the ideal choice. However, those who appreciate unconventional characters or relate to Depresso’s somber vibe may find it an intriguing companion to nurture an extraordinary friendship with.

4. Arsox

arsox palworld

Heat and Simplicity (As Long as You Can Handle Some Fire)

  • Common Rarity, Level 4
  • Medium-sized, fire-type Pal, excels against ice and leaf

Arsox makes an excellent pal for those unafraid of the occasional blaze. Providing warmth, combat skills, and a mount to preserve the player’s stamina during their Palworld journey, Arsox features a striking fiery mane and is a steadfast companion. However, acquiring this Pal can present challenges that may not be worth enduring in the end.

Hunting down Arsox often involves navigating through flames, which can leave players wondering if it was a worthwhile pursuit. While it can be a valuable asset around bases, helping with tasks like lumbering and igniting fires for crafting, Arsox’s fiery disposition might sometimes have its drawbacks. Players should be cautious, as unintentional self-inflicted burns are not out of the ordinary when it comes to this spirited companion. Maintaining a safe distance could be crucial, and getting too cozy with this hot-headed friend might not be the best idea.

3. Chikipi

palworld chikipi

Cute or Edible? The Choice is Yours

Chikipi, a common rarity Level 1 Pal, is small-sized and known as one of the weakest Pals in the game. With wide eyes and fluffy feathers, its adorable appearance can be deceiving, as Chikipi falls under the “low-tier” category. Being a normal-type Pal, it lacks the ability to deal any elemental damage against opponents. This puts the player at a disadvantage during battles, as even weak foes can easily defeat Chikipi.

A Palworld player once shared an unusually powerful Chikipi they bred, which was a rare exception to the generally weak Pal. However, most Chikipis are not suited for combat or base-building activities such as gathering or construction.

Occasionally, Chikipi may lay an egg, but it typically provides minimal benefits to the player. This makes Chikipi a rather unprofitable catch, unless, of course, players decide to turn it into a meal.

2. Surfent Terra

surfent terra

A Ground Pal that Doesn’t Quite Shine

  • Rarity: Rare, Level 5
  • Medium-sized, Earth-type Pal with strength against Electric foes

Although players often prefer riding Pals, Surfent Terra falls short due to its slow pace. Its inability to swim further limits its usefulness as a mount, prompting players to explore better options within the game. While this Earth-based Terra variant attempts to cover several functions – such as sandboarding, gathering, and base building – it doesn’t excel in any specific area. Players looking for a strong building companion or a top-notch combat Pal might feel let down.

Surfent Terra is a desert-dwelling creature, typically found in the Upper East quadrant, well-adapted to sandy environments. With its wise appearance, it embodies what one might expect from an Earth-type Pal. However, its gray and yellow color scheme renders it easily overlooked, particularly as it remains overshadowed by more powerful Pals. For those wanting to try Surfent Terra without spending time catching it, this Pal is available for purchase from the merchant in Duneshelter.

Related Pal

  • For players considering the use of Legendary Spheres, selecting the 10 best Pals in Palworld is crucial, as creating Legendary Spheres is quite challenging.

1. Woolipop

surfent terra

Adorably Fluffy Yet Remarkably Ineffective

Woolipop, a medium-sized, normal-type Pal, ranks among the weakest Pals in Palworld. This cotton candy cloud-like creature focuses on cuteness rather than battle prowess, leaving players who aim to conquer challenging battles in a tight spot.

With no offensive or defensive skills, Woolipop falls short against even the most feeble opponents. Comparing its presence in a battle to bringing cotton candy to a sword fight aptly illustrates its limitations.

Apart from its inadequacies in battles, Woolipop’s work skills are equally unimpressive. It produces cotton candy that players can consume, providing negligible nutritional value. In contrast to other Pals with valuable work skills, Woolipop’s contributions are more cosmetic than functional.

Considering Woolipop’s minimal combat abilities and insignificant work contributions, it seems less appealing to add this fluffy creature to a player’s collection, unless having a cute pink sheep is their sole objective.