balders rebirth

Bladers Rebirth Traits Tier List: Ultimate Guide to Optimal Traits

Building a powerful setup in Bladers Rebirth can be quite complex due to the numerous blade parts available to players. These components come with unique Traits that impact the effectiveness of your build, sometimes in challenging ways. Understanding which Traits offer the best enhancements is crucial for success.

Traits in Bladers Rebirth primarily boost various stats, distinguishing them from Spirits, which provide special abilities. Identifying and utilizing the most beneficial Traits is essential for creating a formidable blade that can outshine the competition.

Bladers Rebirth TraitsTier List

bladers rebirth

Traits significantly enhance your Blade’s performance by boosting stats or resistances. Obtaining the best Traits involves some luck since they vary in rarity. Here is the breakdown of Trait rarities and their respective drop rates:

  • Legendary – 1%
  • Rare – 5%
  • Uncommon – 20%
  • Common – 50%

In Bladers Rebirth, Traits are acquired through purchasing Blade part packs, which yield random Traits. Expect to invest substantial in-game currency to obtain the coveted Legendary Traits. However, even less rare Traits offer considerable advantages.

Below is the comprehensive ranking of Bladers Rebirth Traits:

Trait Rarity Tier
Powerful Legendary S
Resistance Legendary S
Training Rare S
Range Rare A
Pierce Rare A
Heavy Uncommon A
Turbo Uncommon B
Tanky Common B
Enchanted Common B
Agile Common B
Healthy Common C
Strong Common C

Players striving for top-tier performance should aim for Legendary and Rare Traits, but Uncommon and Common ones can still provide solid benefits. Balancing the rarity and usefulness of Traits is crucial for optimizing your Blade’s build.

Best Bladers Rebirth Traits

Selecting the right Traits in Bladers Rebirth is critical for success on the battlefield. Some Traits offer considerable advantages over others, making them highly desirable for competitive play.

  • Resistance: This Trait boosts a Blade’s resistance to damage from Skills by 20%, significantly enhancing its durability during battles.
  • Powerful: A balanced option, this Trait increases both Damage and Defense by 5%, making it a solid choice for overall performance improvement.
  • Training: This Trait aids in faster progression by providing a 5% Experience bonus during battles, allowing players to level up more quickly.

Each player should consider these Traits based on their play style and strategy to gain an edge in Bladers Rebirth.